Tools I’ve Built
If you’re looking for a list of all the tools I’ve built, this is it!
Now THIS is the interface Google Search Console needs! If you do SEO reporting and/or want better insights from GSC, do yourself a favor and download this free template.
@CyrusShepard – Search Console Quick Insights

Search Console Explorer Studio v1
The ‘Search Console Explorer Studio‘ offers different ways to explore your data to the Google Sheets edition. Less focused on gain and loss, this version offers more interactivity and helps you explore geographic distribution. Custom filters have been added for brand and non-brand segments and opportunities have been isolated according the the SERP page.
You’re able to filter your keywords by CONTAINS, REGEXP, STARTS WITH etc so you can easily isolate performance or opportunity.
This also highlights some potential keyword cannibalisation by the nature of presenting all URLs per query on interaction (not to the same degree as the Cannibalisation Explorer).

Search Console Explorer Sheet v1
The Search Console Explorer Sheet helps you to explore your Google Search Console data and find quick insights. Features include regex search filters plus exclude, new and lost terms, gain and loss, smarter sorting and more.
Google Sheets Helper Tool v1
I was proud to contribute to the first ever Women in Tech SEO Conference (#WTSfest). My deck covered how to get started with Google Sheets to unlock the insights from your data. I have linked to both my deck and the free tool I built to support this.

Query Function Learning Aid v1
I created this tool to support my talk at Search Norwich on ‘How to get started with Query in Google Sheets’. This tool is a learning aid and helps users to build query formulas using either the sample data provided or their own, with dynamic examples included to show correct applications.
CASE Statement Generator for Data Studio
// Google Sheets // Google Data Studio
A simple CASE statement generator as part of my ‘Data Studio UI: Filter with CASE and Treemaps‘ post.

REGEX Generator for Data Studio v2
// Google Sheets // Google Data Studio
A simple REGEX generator for Data Studio search and filters, created to support / embed within V2 of the Search Console Explorer. This replaces a previous simple version.
People Also Ask Extract and Tidy
One of my first tools from back in 2018, a simple tool to tidy, handle and sort ‘People Also Ask’ questions once extracted from the Search Results using Xpath via ChromeScraper.
UK and FR versions available.

Search Console Quick Insights [Superseded]
Succeeded by ‘Search Console Explorer Sheet‘, this tool helps you to discover quick insights from your Google Search Console data.
Cannibalisation Explorer [Superseded]
// Google Sheets // Google Data Studio
Using both Data Studio and/or Google Sheets, the Cannibalisation Explorer helps you to discover and explore potential keyword cannibalisation using you Google Search Console data. Using Data Studio to re-connect multiple landing pages back to query level, the output can be analysed in both the dashboard and the accompanying Google Sheet.

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